ACCU THERMO is the most advanced and complex battery for diving heating systems. Here are most frequently asked questions and answers that will hopefully clarify all uncertainties.
Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries in air transport.
In this article, we answer all your questions and concerns about the transport of Li-Ion cells by plane.
Battery capacity in cold water
We refute the myth about the decrease in battery capacity in cold water.
Few words about keeping your diving gear clean - Wojtek A. Filip
Sidemount versus Backmount – a constant debate
Are you asking yourself whether you should go Sidemount or Backmount? If yes, check our new post written by one and only Garry Dallas.
What defines a Technical Diver from a Recreational Diver…
What defines a Technical Diver from a Recreational Diver?
Let's protect mother nature with Ammonite System
The world is changing faster than we think. We are getting closer to nature's endurance limit. Let's start the changes with ourselves.
Johan de With about his cave expedition to Gourneyras
Johan de With about his cave expedition to Gourneyras.
Introducing LED NAUTILUS
Led Nautilus is our most versatile diving lamp head. Up to 4000 lm light output and regulated angle (9-45 degrees), it can upstand almost all conditions.
Everyone begins their underwater adventure in the same way. Unfortunately, no one was born with fins on their feet, a regulator in their mouth and a dive torch in their hand.
Johan de With about Led Speleo
Review written by Johan de With about our new Lamp Head made especially for cave divers - Led Speleo!
Introducing Led SOLARIS NextGen
Led Solaris NextGen is our well-received torch in a new even more powerful form. Up to 4500lm in 6-degree beam with medium corona effect allows diving even in the hardest conditions.